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Sunday, February 7, 2010

When I walk around Audubon all I can think about is how beautiful everything is. From the grand trees with the Spanish moss hanging, to the egrets skimming the surface of the pond. From a theatrical stand point I see scenery, I think of a very detailed set of a Chekhov play. When he wrote, the stage directions were set in stone and the image, very vivid. Playwrights and authors have been inspired by such beauty since the beginning of time. Without nature where would the world of civilized thought be at this time? Honestly, in my personal opinion, it would be non-existent.
Now let us take the park from an Environmental stand point. There is much to be done to restore and preserve this small treasure in the middle of a bustling city. There is trash thrown here and there but I can say that the littering is far less here than in many other places. The pond in Audubon is a bit of a disaster. In my Environment and Society class I learned that they actually install filters within the pond to provide oxygen but the run- off from the gulf course clogs them, resulting in a number of fish dying at once. It is only after this happens that the problem is acknowledged.

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting that you thought of a Chekhov play while observing Audubon Park. I think you're the only one that observed the park through a theatrical lens. Thanks for the originality!
