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Friday, February 12, 2010

Final Project Proposal "Abstract"

For my final project proposal I have chosen to look through the lens of religious studies. I plan to have a visual component to my project being a photograph. The second part being a poem. The picture will be a nature shot most likely in Audubon park maybe with one or two other people standing in it. The picture will represent our relationship to nature and our precious connection to the earth which is many times disregarded as insignificant. The poem will address the view people have on the earth and the condition it is in right now. The poem will draw on peoples religious and spiritual backgrounds and attitudes they have towards things like conservation and living eco-friendly. I hope to find and express the stance that spirituality and religion have on loving the earth and treating the environment with respect. I also plan to display my findings in Loyola art gallery in the Dana center so it may have an wider impact on the way some people think. Its significance is to inspire people to make differences in their daily lives relating to sustaining the earth. I conclude that my project will stop people and have them ponder the state of our environment and what they can do about it.

1 comment:

  1. This project idea intrigues me, and I'm excited to see how you make it work. How will you make it clear what the photograph represents? Will it be able to stand on its own or is the poem necessary for interpretation? I think the poem could go in a lot of different directions; from what you've said, I'm guessing you want it to inspire people to consider their own religious or spiritual beliefs and their interplay with the environment. It'll be interesting to see how different religions interpret or interact with nature, which portions of their beliefs might actually work against the idea of protecting the environment, and how it all comes together with the photo. Good luck!
