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Friday, February 12, 2010

Preliminary Proposal for Final ProjectPreliminary Proposal for Final Project

Richard Tucker

My proposal

I plan to make a thorough examination into a one very narrow aspect of my life in order to gain understanding, to define and to lay out the possible path to achieve the balance between nature and technology that is “transcendent living”. In short, to examine one aspect of life and lay bare its connections and ramifications to my contemporary existence, I plan to make a study into an omelet.

I will study and record every aspect of the omelets that I make regularly, and study the methodology of my omelets to understand the tension between nature and technology, I will research every aspect of my omelet, from the content and origin of its eggs and filling, to how I am able to cook it, the fuel sources and the pans, to what I eat it with, to dissect every describable aspect of the process in order to understand the frame and motivation behind it. I plan to engage is active field work through recording as much as possible about the omelet and the process it involves, and the turn to the internet and other literary sources to better understand and complement my findings. I might go as far as keeping an omelet journal to this end.

I expect to discern the smalls trends, patterns and indicators of why my findings where so, to understand the decisions behind my actions and the resultant omelet, and to grasp the wider context in which my omelet takes place. To bring forth the unconscious jumble of thoughts that have led to how and why my omelets are so, and to understand the larger connections behind my actions

The only way to achieve transcendence is incorporating sustainability into the march of technology. I will attempt to find the implications this concept brings to the fields of Sociology and Bioethics by investigating its effects on our attitude towards sustainability. For since the notion of Transcendence opens the door for mankind to separate itself from the natural trappings of a species that depends upon the biosphere to survive, it is important to understand this possibility. Both in the great promise it holds, and more importantly, the limitations it has when faced against great calamities that might impede further development before it is achieved. It is in these limitations that I will focus my study, for if we are to sustain unmaintainable behavior with the hope of some spurious cultural, technological or political change that will somehow curb the degradation of natural resources -- it is possible that with such a promise in mind we may precipitate this unnatural decay and reach an end to this age of plenty and learn a hard lesson for all mankind. In short, we may not be in time to divorce our fate from that of the earth that we are destroying.

What expect to find are a series of scenarios, but more than this a series of possibilities, answers and possible answers, some very promising things, some not so encouraging things, some remote some plausible, and to see what kind of a picture of the reality of human nature is formed in these terms and where we might decide through everyday actions to take it, whether we know it or not, how are choices affect everything. whether with think it’s a choice or just necessary unconscious actions of everyday life, but unlike at other points in our history these choices will affect the choices of future generations far beyond their control, in ways that will make such a defining human generation as the baby boomers choices look like they left us plenty of options…

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