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Friday, February 12, 2010

topic proposal

For my final project I want to explore how our religious beliefs effect our enviornmental attitudes. Different religions have different beliefs about our relationship to nature. These beliefs ultimately influence how we view nature and how we interact with nature. I plan on researching different religion such as Catholicism, Budhism, Wiccan, and Hinduhism.I anticipate that religious belifs have a large influence on how people aproach enviornmental problems.


  1. I completely agree with you. I believe that religion and how devoted we are to it, plays a great part in our attitude towards our environment. I think Asian traditions are closer to their surrounding that many we experience here. I believe we should follow those footsteps or at least make a few adjustments on our attention to devote our time to both the superior being and the home he/she has provided for us to live in.

  2. i find this fascinating and true, specially when you look at diets as influenced by culture and religion, you find that some eating habits among certain populations are more sustainable, whereas the "western diet" propelled by our tendency towards secular consumerism can be more damaging.i think the most interesting bit would be to see what kind of environmental impact is avoided when a nation as large as India shuns beef or when many Asiatic cultures base meals around rice

  3. I agree with you that religious beliefs have a great influence on how we treat the environment. Eastern and Western religions vary enormously in their approach to environmental problems. Eastern religions, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, emphasize the need to respect and live in harmony with nature, while Western religions, such as Christianity, tend to emphasize domination of nature. I think it all boils down to the society in which the religions originated; Western societies place great value on the individual, whereas Eastern societies take a more holistic approach.
