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Friday, April 23, 2010

Where does my food come from?

My first visit was to whole foods on Magazine St. where I noticed that everything was presented very neatly. Every item seemed extremely fresh. In comparison to the other grocery I visited, Roberts, the food looked new and ready to eat. It did not look like it had been sitting there since Monday morning’s shipment. Another thing I noticed was how much meat is presented everywhere, not only at the groceries but all over television as well. Being a vegetarian it makes me stomach turn to see isles of raw meat when I’m at the grocery, but meat is all over television too. Almost every commercial is advertizing fast food chains and their new and improved whole pound burgers. It makes me wonder how it’s economically possible for a burger to cost 99 cents. My assumptions are that a lot of the budget cuts to make this possible lie in the poor treatment of the farm animals and the cheap production methods of achieving product. When I think about where my food comes from I don’t feel the guilt that I did when I used to eat meat but I still feel guilty about having to support companies that gain most of their profit from selling 99 cent burgers. There is no absolute way around this so I will continue to live a vegetarian lifestyle and worry about the tactics used by the meat industry to pinch every penny.

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