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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sky people

I read the first two stories about the men from the moon who came down to the village. What really interested me was 1. That the men looked just like the people of the Earth and 2. that they were welcomed with open arms. I was discussing this weekend how selfish the personification of God can seem, and how much more unbelievable it makes religion for me. But in this case the anthropomorphising of the sky almost implied a sense of equally, particularly since the world the men described on the moon is very similar to the one on the Earth. This indicates a respect for nature that one might have for a fellow human being. They also welcomed into their village and their caches men who had come to steal from them. Although this seemed somewhat like a storyteller's ploy to make his people sound generous and forgiving, it also relayed a sacrificial feel, offering up what they had to the people of the sky. In addition their generosity and acknowledgement that they had more than enough showed that they wanted to fill their basic needs but that they realized that what the land provided was not just theirs for the taking and therefore should not be selfishly hoarded but given back into the cycle of need.

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