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Monday, March 1, 2010

late inspiration...

Well, the extra credit point in the exam was to write a haiku about nature (and how we discussed it in class). I tried to think of one, but did not find a last line. Unfortunately -or fortunately, depends on the point of view - I found one a couple of minutes after I went out of class...I dislike such 'too late inspirations.'

Nature: part of us.
But separated by man.
Why? Think of it now.

The reason why I share this with you: I found it interesting that I, though I tried to write something about nature, eventually came up with something that totally focuses on us. This also reminded me of the very beginning of the class when we read the poem "I contemplate a tree" by Buber and stated/ discovered that man is still the point of reference. It makes me wonder if there is any chance to change this way of self-centered thinking towards a more holistic way, where we do not see us as so apparently dominant? But how can we achieve this? I mean, it cannot be the point to completely give up our identification, can it? Probably, it all goes back to the Leopoldian thought of life in a balance. It sounds so easy, but at least I get constantly outsmarted by my 'conventional' way of thinking. And this still happens although I try to change it and dare to say that I care about environment and my influence...

1 comment:

  1. Okay, forget about the first sentence, I completely misread this during the exam (so it's good that I didn't write down my half-finished haiku b/c it would have been completely off-topic). Nevertheless, the rest is still valid :-)
