The Ivory-billed Woodpecker represents the fading American wilderness and environment, but also the hope of saving it. When America entered the industrial revolution, in the 19th and early 20th centuries, American entrepreneurs and companies put money and growth above everything else, including the environment. The success of our countries economy made Americans not think about the environment, so we just continued to grow for the sake of Greed. The growth damaged and killed many ecosystems, Habitats, and species. The great American frontier and wilderness that made our country what it is, was now vanishing fast. “The Ivory-bill has become an emblem of the now vanished American wilderness” (Rosen p.66). Some people noticed this happening and tried to stop this destructive machine, to America and to the Ivory-billed Woodpecker, but there wasn’t enough awareness at the time. Now-a-days, I see a change in our country. There has been a lot of change done already and there is an abundant amount of people who are willing to help. There is a chance to save our country’s wilderness, and there is a chance to save the Ivory-billed Woodpecker. This bird is a symbol of hope.
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